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HTML to CSV Converter

HTML to CSV Converter

HTML to CSV Converter is used to convert HTML table to CSV by extracting the rows from HTML tables & converting them to CSV format.
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Configure the settings for the conversion


HTML is the language of the internet. It is what creates HTML pages (even this one). In the old days, HTML used to be static with some JavaScript added into the mix for dynamic behavior and effects. Then HTML was served dynamically from the server side with the advent of server side programming languages such as PERL, PHP, ASP. And now there is a new trend where HTML is again being served as static resources with JSON (from REST web services) and JavaScript making it dynamic.

CSV is an old & very popular format for storing tabular data. It has been used in the desktop as well as mainframe. It is a simple & compact format that works really well for tabular data and so is still in use today.

Settings Explained
  1. Delimiter
    Choose which delimiter to use to separate the fields & column names in a record. Acceptable values are:-
    • Comma
    • Tab
    • Space
    • Pipe
    • Semi-Colon
    • Comma Delimiter
      John Doe,Engineering
      Jane Doe,Billing
    • Tab Delimiter
      name	department
      John Doe	Engineering
      Jane Doe	Billing
    • Space Delimiter
      name department
      "John Doe" Engineering
      "Jane Doe" Billin
    • Pipe Delimiter
      John Doe|Engineering
      Jane Doe|Billing
    • Semi-Colon Delimiter
      John Doe;Engineering
      Jane Doe;Billing
  2. Value New Line Conversion
    Choose how to convert new lines inside values. Acceptable values are:-
    • None - No conversion is done
      Line 1
      Line 2
      Line 3
    • Space - New lines are replaced by a space
      Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
    • Comma - New lines are replaced by a comma
      Line 1,Line 2,Line 3
    • Comma Space - New lines are replaced by a comma followed by a space
      Line 1, Line 2, Line 3
    • Semi Colon - New lines are replaced by a semi colon
      Line 1;Line 2;Line 3
    • Semi Colon Space - New lines are replaced by a semi colon followed by a space
      Line 1; Line 2; Line 3
  3. Write Header
    Choose whether to write the header record (which contains the names of the columns) in the output.
    • Write Header On
      John Doe,Engineering
      Jane Doe,Billingr
    • Write Header Off
      John Doe,Engineering
      Jane Doe,Billingr
  4. Trim Inside Words
    If selected multiple consecutive spaces inside words are trimmed to a single space
  5. Convert All Tables
    If selected, all HTML tables will be converted to CSV. This is useful when the HTML contains multiple tables. If not selected, only the first table will be converted. The default is to convert only the first table.
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